Mărţişor (Gogo)

pentru Gogo (Γιώργο)

Frezii albe şi roşii îmi râd în fereastră,
dar veselia lor n-o pot auzi,
căci eu aştept veşti de la spital –
ah, lungi ore! –
timpul se divide ca un fractal
în aşteptarea surorii mele să nască.
Telefonul sună… mama nu poate vorbi,
dar ochii ei vorbesc pentru ea…

Primul ei nepot e un mărţişor
de la 1200 de km distanţă.

Little March’s gift

White and red freesias laugh at the window,
but their joy I cannot hear
since I am waiting for hospital news –
o, longest hours ! –
the time divides as a fractal
while I am waiting for my sister to give birth.
The phone rings… my mom cannot speak,
but her eyes speak for her…

Her first grandchild is a mărţişor
from 1200 kilometers away…

* mărţişor = romanian Little March’s gift.

“Longest Hours – thoughts while waiting” Anthology, Published by Silver Boomer Books, Texas, United States of America, 1st October 2013

mărţişor = romanian Little March's gift, a white string and a red string woven together. A little talisman is attached to this string. The mărţişor is weared by children and women from 1st March until the first trees blossoms, when they have to hang it from a branch in bloom. It is believed that this Little March gift brings you health and luck.
